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(All I see is bare mini me's)

I get it, sometimes I gotta give me my credit

The first rapper in the UK to vision the edit

I said ''Like Me'' they didn't forget

I spent a hunnid K on vids on I'm givin' em' ready's

So I know where I'm headin'

I came to take over the game

Now they know my name

Roll with us or get rolled over

And over and over and over

Over and over again

I left the food with thingy, I mean what's her name

I hope somebody died if your boy copped a chain

And I still got spots for days, check the way I rock the stage

So many mini me's and I'm the one to blame

Since I came in the industry, a lot of shits changed

I paved the path, I made the way

And I can switch lanes

I said 'Meekz type beats', I think it was a mistake

If it weren't deep like this, I woulda' been a piss take

And I love D for life, he taught me how to whip flake

Shit I can't complain, milli off a mixtape

And they bound to hate when you sound this great

I'on need no one around that's fake

Throwin' shade, I'ma shame man, what a disgrace

Actin' like they envy me but I'm who they pretend to be

And when they ask em' who inspired them, then they should mention me

I guess this shit was meant to be, I'm so legendary

I'm the original, could never be a better me

Tell Drake go on Stake and place a bet on me

If you need the job done properly you should get on me

So many mini me's, so many mini me's

So many mini me's, so many mini me's

So many mini me's, so many mini me's

So many mini me's, so many mini me's

Hi haters, back from a hiatus, that's a big break

Stay down for a minute, get my shit straight

Dropped a heavy mixtape, I guess I still flip weight

I said like me, got em' actin' like me

I find it a bit strange

They're tryna tap into the kids brain

All I did was stay original and didn't change

Got Marvel movies hittin' me up, biggin' me up

Any vid that I touch is six figures and up

I got these rappers in a rut and they ain't biggin' me up

If I was in a grave they'd probably try diggin' me up

Freeze my sperm so I can give em' my nut

And have hella mini me's runnin' round just whippin' shit up

Besides that they know my lyrics are fucked

I'm in the Champions League now, guess who's winnin' the cup

I gotta treat it like the rap game, me liftin' it up

I see em' runnin' with my style and they ain't give me a cut

I guess we only gettin' started but I'm finishin' up

Industry's fucked, only real ones givin' me love

Actin' like they envy me but I'm who they pretend to be

And when they ask em' who inspired them, then they should mention me

I guess this shit was meant to be, I'm so legendary

I'm the original, could never be a better me

Tell Drake go on Stake and place a bet on me

If you need the job done properly you should get on me

So many mini me's, so many mini me's

So many mini me's, so many mini me's

Head gettin' bigger, think I need a limousine

So many mini me's, I think I need some bigger fee's

So many mini me's, so many mini me's

So many mini me's, so many mini me's

So many mini me's, call them niggas little Meekz

How they puttin' dirt on my name?

They ain't never mashed no work on the mains

He and my darg hit the dirtiest stain

The secret, it firmly remains

Jack man with no mask

Got bally's on stage

Who said Manny want flames

I don't need to grab nerds for a change

Paired to the game

I grab man who think they're Pablo and shot cocaine

And this is not no game

Got me runnin' round stupid like I got no brains

I watched niggas on the block go strange

Robbin' and shottin' but I'm probably whippin' rock most days

Rubber bands in shoe boxes, I ain't got no safe

Everybody rock the same shit, they ain't got no taste

And why they watch me? I am not showcase

Everybody rappin' but they don't rock no bass

I hear the bass rockin', I get the place poppin'

Can't stop me and I ain't stoppin'

I hate shoppin', fans face clockin'

I hate problems

I'on mind deals but I hate options

I hate nonsense, I hate jail like my names Bronson

But I get paid off the rock, Dwayne Johnson

So many mini me's and I'm the one to blame

Since I came in the industry, a lot of shits changed

I paved the path, I made the way

And I can switch lanes

I said 'Meekz type beats', I think it was a mistake

If it weren't deep like this, I woulda' been a piss take

And I love D for life, he taught me how to whip flake

Shit I can't complain, milli off a mixtape

And they bound to hate when you sound this great

Şarkının Ana Teması: Başarı ve taklitçilik (Success and imitation)

Şarkının Duygu Analizi: Şarkı genel olarak gururlu ve kibirlidir (proud and arrogant). Meekz, başarılarından övünür ve kendisini taklit eden diğer sanatçıları eleştirir (boasts about his achievements and criticizes other artists who imitate him). Aynı zamanda kısmen de savunmacıdır (partly defensive), nefret edenlere cevap verir (responds to haters).

Şarkı Sözlerindeki anlatım teknikleri:

  • Tekrar: "So many mini me's" sözü şarkı boyunca tekrarlanır ve ana fikir haline gelir (The phrase "So many mini me's" is repeated throughout the song and becomes the central idea).
  • Karşılaştırma: Meekz kendini diğer sanatçılarla karşılaştırır ve kendisini daha yetenekli ve orijinal olarak konumlandırır (Meekz compares himself to other artists and positions himself as more talented and original).
  • Övgü: Meekz başarılarını ve yeteneklerini övüyor (Meekz brags about his achievements and talents).
  • Argo: Şarkıda argo kelimeler kullanılıyor (The song uses slang words).

Şarkının Kahramanı: Şarkının kahramanı Meekz ve kendisini müzik endüstrisinde öncü ve yenilikçi olarak görüyor (The protagonist of the song is Meekz, who sees himself as a pioneer and innovator in the music industry). Gururlu ve kendine güveniyor (He is proud and confident).

Şarkıda geçen Anahtar Kelimeler ve Anlamları:

  • Mini me's: Meekz'i taklit eden diğer sanatçılar (Other artists who imitate Meekz)
  • Like Me: Meekz'in hit şarkısı (Meekz's hit song)
  • Champion League: En yüksek seviyede olmak (Being at the highest level)
  • Industry: Müzik endüstrisi (Music industry)

Dikkat Çeken Mısralar:

  • "I said 'Meekz type beats', I think it was a mistake" (Meekz admits it might have been a mistake to have a specific "Meekz type beat" because it led to imitation)
  • "Tell Drake go on Stake and place a bet on me" (Meekz tells Drake to bet on him, showing confidence in his success)
  • "Freeze my sperm so I can give em' my nut / And have hella mini me's runnin' round just whippin' shit up" (This line is both arrogant and humorous, suggesting Meekz's offspring would naturally be successful)
  • "Everybody rock the same shit, they ain't got no taste" (Meekz criticizes other artists for lacking originality)

Şarkıyı Anlatan 3 Anahtar Kelime:

  • Başarı (Success)
  • Taklit (Imitation)
  • Kendine güven (Confidence)

Genel Mesaj ve Sonuç: Şarkı, müzik endüstrisinde başarılı olan ve kendisini taklit eden diğer sanatçılara tepki gösteren Meekz'in hikayesini anlatıyor (The song tells the story of Meekz, who is successful in the music industry and reacts to other artists who imitate him). Meekz, kendisini orijinal ve öncü olarak görür ve sektördeki etkisinden gurur duyar (Meekz sees himself as original and a pioneer, and is proud of his impact on the industry).




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