Dua Lipa - Illusion Lyrics
I been known to miss a red flag
I been known to put my lover on a pedestal
In the end, those things just don't last
And it's time I take my rose-coloured glasses off
I already know your type, tellin' me the things I like (Ah-ah)
Tryin' make me yours for life, takin' me for a ride (Ah-ah)
I already know your type, think you can play your cards right (Ah-ah)
Don't you know I could do this dance all night?
Ooh, what you doin'?
Don't know who you think that you're confusing
I be like, "Ooh, it's amusing"
You think I'm gonna fall for an illusion
Dance all night, dance all night
Dance all night, dance all night
I be like, "Ooh"
Dance all night, dance all night
Dance all night, dance, dance
Was a time when that shit might have worked
Was a time when I just threw a match and let it burn
Now I'm grown, I know what I deserve
I still like dancing with the lessons I already learned
I already know your type, tellin' me the things I like (Ah-ah)
Tryin' make me yours for life, takin' me for a ride (Ah-ah)
I already know your type, think you can play your cards right (Ah-ah)
Don't you know I could do this dance all night?
Ooh, what you doin'?
Don't know who you think that you're confusing
I be like, "Ooh, it's amusing"
You think I'm gonna fall for an illusion
Dance all night, dance all night
Dance all night, dance all night
I be like, "Ooh"
Dance all night, dance all night
Dance all night, dance, dance
Illusion, I really like the way you're moving
Yeah, I just wanna dance with the illusion
Yeah, I just wanna dance with
Yeah, I just wanna dance with
I could dance all night
Ooh, what you doin'?
Don't know who you think that you're confusing
I be like, "Ooh, it's amusing"
You think I'm gonna fall for an illu—
Ooh-ooh, what you doin'?
Don't know who you think that you're confusing
I be like, "Ooh, it's amusing"
You think I'm gonna fall for an illusion
Şarkının Ana Teması: Bağımsız Kadın (Independent Woman)
Şarkının Duygu Analizi: Güçlenme ve Eğlence (Empowerment and Playfulness)
Şarkı Sözlerindeki anlatım teknikleri: Tekrar ve Karşıtlık (Repetition and Contrast)
Şarkının kahramanı: Kendini tanıyan ve güçlü bir kadın (Self-aware and strong woman)
Şarkıda geçen Anahtar Kelimeler ve Anlamları:
- Kırmızı bayrak (red flag): Olumsuz bir ilişkinin işareti. (Sign of a bad relationship)
- Gül rengi gözlük (rose-coloured glasses): Olumlu olmayan bir durumu olduğundan daha iyi görmek. (Seeing a bad situation in a better light)
- Tüyolar (cards): Birinin sahip olduğu olumlu özellikler ya da numaraları sembolize ediyor olabilir. (Can symbolize positive qualities or tricks someone has)
- İllüzyon (illusion): Gerçek olmayan bir şey. (Something that is not real)
- Dans (dance): eğlence ve özgürlüğü temsil ediyor. (Represents fun and freedom)
Dikkat Çeken mısraları:
- "In the end, those things just don't last / And it's time I take my rose-coloured glasses off" (Gül rengi gözlük takmayı bıraktığını anlatıyor) (Tells us she's done wearing rose-coloured glasses)
- "I already know your type" (Karşıdaki kişinin oyununu biliyor) (She knows the other person's game)
- "Don't you know I could do this dance all night?" (Gücünü ve eğlenme arzusunu vurguluyor) (Highlights her strength and desire to have fun)
- "Was a time when that shit might have worked" (Geçmişte aldatılabileceğini ama artık değiştikçe söylüyor) (Says she might have been fooled in the past, but not anymore)
- "I still like dancing with the lessons I already learned" (Derslerden vazgeçmeden eğlenmek istediğini anlatıyor) (Tells us she wants to have fun without forgetting the lessons she learned)
- "Illusion, I really like the way you're moving / Yeah, I just wanna dance with the illusion" (İlişkiden ziyade eğlenceyi seçtiğini söylüyor) (Says she chooses fun over the illusion of a relationship)
Şarkıyı anlatan 3 anahtar kelime:
- Bağımsızlık (Independence): Kadın artık kendi hayatını kontrol ediyor ve kimseye muhtaç değil. (The woman is now in control of her own life and doesn't need anyone)
- Güçlenme (Empowerment): Kadın geçmişten ders çıkararak güçleniyor. (The woman is becoming stronger by learning from her past)
- Eğlence (Playfulness): Kadın hayatın tadını çıkarmaya odaklanıyor. (The woman is focusing on enjoying life)
Genel Mesaj ve Sonuç: Dua Lipa bu şarkıda, artık geçmişteki hatalarını tekrarlamayacak olan bağımsız ve güçlü bir kadını anlatıyor. Olgunlaştığını ve gerçek aşktan ziyade eğlenceyi seçtiğini dile getiriyor.
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