Sody - you won't even try ŞARKI SÖZLERİ

I'm on the train home heading back
from Stockholm
Crying into my coat
Last thing you said was that you
can't be with me
Unless Il'm in your city
Distance makes the heart grow
But we'll never know 'cause you
don't wanna
Can you maybe think a little longer?
Can you maybe change your mind?
I want you anywhere, I don't know
I would but you won't even try
How can you go saying that you love
If a couple miles is gonna keep you
from me?
I would but you won't even try
It kinda feels like to you I'm not worth
Only on the surface
I guess you think that you can just
replace me
With someone on the same street,
Distance makes the heart grow
But we'Il never know 'cause you
don't wanna
Can you maybe think a little longer?
Can you maybe change your mind?
I want you anywhere, I don't know
I would but you won't even try
How can you go saying that you love
If a couple miles is gonna keep you
from me?
I would but you won't even try
You won't even try
You won't even try
'Cause I would get on any flight
Just to have you in my life
Tell me you don't feel the same
If you don't want me, then just say so
Say you gotta let go
'Cause I want you anywhere, I don't
know why
I would but you Won't even try
Oh how, how can you go saying that
you love me
If a couple miles is gonna keep you
from me?
I would but you won't even try
I would but you won't even try
I would but you won't even try
You won't even try

Sody - you won't even try Şarkı Sözleri Analizi

Şarkının Ana Teması: Uzun mesafe ilişkisinin zorlukları ve karşılıksız gibi görünen aşk. (The challenges of long-distance relationships and unrequited love)

Şarkının Duygu Analizi: Şarkı, hüzün, kırgınlık ve çaresizlik duygularını yansıtıyor. (The song reflects feelings of sadness, resentment, and helplessness)

Şarkının Kahramanı: Uzun mesafe ilişkisi yaşayan ve partnerinin kendisine olan sevgisinden şüphe eden bir kadın. (A woman in a long-distance relationship who doubts her partner's love)

Anahtar Kelimeler ve Açıklamaları:

  • Stockholm: Şarkıdaki uzaklığı vurgulayan bir yer adı. (Stockholm: A location name that emphasizes the distance in the song)
  • Mesafe: İlişkideki fiziksel uzaklık. (Distance: The physical separation in the relationship)
  • Düşünmek: Kadının partnerinden ilişki için daha fazla çaba göstermesini istemesi. (Think: The woman's desire for her partner to put in more effort for the relationship)
  • Denemen: Partnerin ilişkiyi sürdürme çabasının eksikliği. (Try: The lack of effort from the partner to maintain the relationship)
  • Aynı sokak: Kadının kendisinin kolayca vazgeçilebilir olduğunu hissetmesi. (Same street: The woman feeling easily replaceable)

Dikkat Çeken Mısralar:

  • "Mesafe sevgiyi büyütür derler ama senin denememen yüzünden asla bilemeyeceğiz": Bu mısra, uzun mesafe ilişkilerinin zorluklarına rağmen başarılı olabileceğini ancak partnerin çaba göstermesi gerektiğini vurgular. (They say distance makes the heart grow fonder, but we'll never know because you won't even try: This line highlights that long-distance relationships can work despite the distance, but only with effort from both partners)
  • "Ben her uçuşa binerdim seni hayatımda görmek için": Bu mısra, kadının ilişkiyi sürdürme arzusunu ve fedakarlığını gösterir. (I would get on any flight just to have you in my life: This line shows the woman's commitment and willingness to sacrifice for the relationship)

Şarkıyı Anlatan 3 Anahtar Kelime:

  • Mesafe: Fiziksel ve duygusal uzaklık. (Distance: Physical and emotional separation)
  • Şüphe: Kadının sevgilisinin sevgisinden duyduğu şüphe. (Doubt: The woman's doubt about her partner's love)
  • Fedakarlık: Kadının ilişkisi kurtarmak için göstermeye hazır olduğu fedakarlık. (Sacrifice: The woman's willingness to sacrifice for the relationship)

Genel Mesaj ve Sonuç: Şarkı, uzun mesafe ilişkilerinin zorluklarına ve karşılıksız gibi görünen aşka rağmen, fedakarlık ve çaba ile sevginin devam edebileceğini anlatıyor. Ancak şarkının sonunda belirsizlik hakim, kadın partnerinin kendisini gerçekten sevip sevmediğinden emin değil. (The song explores the challenges of long-distance relationships and seemingly unrequited love. It suggests that love can persist with sacrifice and effort despite these difficulties. However, the ending leaves the listener with uncertainty, as the woman remains unsure of her partner's true feelings)

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