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Future, Metro Boomin - Claustrophobic Lyrics ŞARKI SÖZLERİ


Future, Metro Boomin - Claustrophobic Lyrics

All that other shit is garbage, that's what I mean, son

You know what I'm saying? Like, get the fuck out of here, son

Shit is wack, son

Cut it out, please

Nobody's buying it, nobody likes it

You be hurting our ears, that shit is annoying

Like, stop it, man

Just 'cause niggas got a chain, some jewelry, and they dress like the motherfucking part they wanna be, the rappers and shit

Ayy, cut it out

We the professionals son, we professionals at what we do, like cut it out

Yea, had to buy another mansion, I'm gettin' claustrophobic

Went and bought a bigger Maybach I'm gettin' claustrophobic

Went back extended Phantom, I'm gettin' claustrophobic

Make sure that Rari a drop, cause' I get claustrophobic

Yea, had to buy another mansion, I'm gettin' claustrophobic

Went and bought a bigger Maybach I'm gettin' claustrophobic

Went back extended Phantom, I'm gettin' claustrophobic

Make sure that Rari a drop, cause' I get claustrophobic

Sittin' inside the hybrid lookin' like a pirate

Fresher than your stylist, fresher than a stylist

Presidential Rolex, nigga's big timin'

85 pointers, Ochocinco diamonds

Million dollar Phantom, I won't even drive it

Chauffeur Louis Vuitton loafers when I'm slidin'

Digital, nigga's never visual

Residual, rackies comin' plentiful

Ice on my sleeve, got it out the mud

Transporting cheese, we sellin' drugs

Tractor-trailer pull up on my way to re-up

I know when you stay down that's the way you T up

European stylin', I go from the feet up

Everytime we meet up it's been gettin' bigger

Every presidentials', I got my credentials

Cobra deadly venom, push a button and send em'

Raised around these sinners, now we gang members

Cop the big bazooka for my main hitter

Yea, had to buy another mansion, I'm gettin' claustrophobic

Went and bought a bigger Maybach I'm gettin' claustrophobic

Went back and [?] (31219438), I'm gettin' claustrophobic

Make sure that Rari a drop, cause' I get claustrophobic

Yea, had to buy another mansion, I'm gettin' claustrophobic

Went and bought a bigger Maybach I'm gettin' claustrophobic

Went back extended Phantom, I'm gettin' claustrophobic

Make sure that Rari a drop, cause' I get claustrophobic

Atlanta to Skyami, goin' back to Cali'

Snakes and deadly venom, bitch I'm super slatty

Work out in the snow, rock your bare bone

Pull up Ventador', look like Chapo

Servin' Kurdish blow, I got dirty snow

Parked outside the sto', 10 trucks in a row

Pocket full a bread, sittin inside the rose

I been on a roll, over billion' sold

Only one who chose', I secured my goals

Cookin' so much coke, I need another stove

Made myself a plug, I can move a load

Took it from lil' Mexico, across the globe

Yea, had to buy another mansion, I'm gettin' claustrophobic

Went and bought a bigger Maybach I'm gettin' claustrophobic

Went back extended Phantom, I'm gettin' claustrophobic

Make sure that Rari a drop, cause' I get claustrophobic

Yea, had to buy another mansion, I'm gettin' claustrophobic

Went and bought a bigger Maybach I'm gettin' claustrophobic

Went back and [?], I'm gettin' claustrophobic

Make sure that Rari a drop, cause' I get claustrophobic

Şarkının Ana Teması (Main Theme):

Zenginliğin getirdiği sıkıntı (The burden of wealth).

Duygu Analizi (Emotional Analysis):

  • Gurur (Pride) - Kazandıklarıyla övünme (Bragging about their achievements)
  • Yetersizlik (Inadequacy) - Zenginlik hissi tatminsizlik getiriyor (Wealth brings dissatisfaction)
  • Özgüven (Confidence) - Kendilerini profesyonel olarak görüyorlar (They see themselves as professionals)
  • Öfke (Anger) - Sahte rapçilere karşı öfke (Anger towards fake rappers)

Anahtar Kelimeler ve Anlamları (Key Words and Meanings):

  • Claustrophobic (Klostrofobik): Dar, sıkışık yerlerden korkma (Fear of confined spaces) - şarkıda ironik olarak kullanılıyor (used ironically in the song)
  • Mansion (Malikane): Büyük ev (Large house)
  • Maybach, Phantom, Rari (Araba Markaları): Luxury car brands
  • Presidential Rolex (Presidential Rolex): Pahalı saat (Expensive watch)
  • Ochocinco diamonds (Ochocinco pırlantaları): Çok sayıda pırlanta (Many diamonds)
  • Hybrid (Hibrit): Karışık ırklı (Mixed race) - burada muhtemelen spor araba ile lüks arabanın karışımı anlamında kullanılıyor (probably used here to mean a mix of sports car and luxury car)
  • Traktör-treyler (Tractor Trailer): Büyük kamyon (Large truck)
  • Re-up (Yeniden Doldurmak): Stok yenilemek (Restock)
  • Residual (Artan Gelir): Sürekli gelen gelir (Passive income)
  • Cheese (Para): Para (Money) - argo (slang)
  • Drugs (Uyuşturucu): Uyuşturucu (Drugs)
  • Bazooka (Bazuka): Büyük silah (Large weapon)
  • Main hitter (Ana Vurucu): En iyi tetikçi (The best shooter)
  • Slatty (Sürtük): Aşağılayıcı terim (Derogatory term)
  • Kurdish blow (Kürt eroini): Uyuşturucu türü (Type of drug)
  • Dirty snow (Kirli kar): Uyuşturucu (Drug) - argo (slang)
  • Bread (Para): Para (Money) - argo (slang)
  • Rose (Pembe): Pembe renkli spor araba (Pink colored sports car)
  • Over a billion sold (Bir milyardan fazla sattım): Çok başarılı olmak (Being very successful)
  • Plug (Torbacı): Uyuşturucu satıcısı (Drug dealer)
  • Move a load (Bir miktar uyuşturucu satmak): Uyuşturucu satmak (To sell drugs)

Dikkat Çeken Mısralar (Interesting Lines):

  • "Had to buy another mansion, I'm gettin' claustrophobic" (Another mansion bought, I'm getting claustrophobic) - Zenginliğin getirdiği sıkıntıyı ironik bir şekilde anlatıyor (Ironically describes the burden of wealth)
  • "Fresher than your stylist, fresher than a stylist" (Fresher than your stylist, fresher than a stylist) - Abartılı bir övünme (Exaggerated bragging)
  • "Million dollar Phantom, I won't even drive it" (Million dollar Phantom, I won't even drive it) - Zenginliğin getirdiği amaçsızlık hissi (The feeling of purposelessness that comes with wealth)
  • "Work out in the snow, rock your bare bone" (Çıplak kemiğinizi sallarken karda egzersiz yapın) (Work out in the snow, rock your bare bone) - Sahte zorluklarla övünenlere gönderme (A reference to those who brag about fake struggles)

Genel Mesaj ve Sonuç (Overall Message and Conclusion):

Şarkı, başarı ve zenginliğin her zaman mutluluk getirmediğini anlatıyor (The song suggests that success and wealth don't always bring happiness). Anlatıcı maddi açıdan rahat olsa da, sahip oldukları onu mutlu etmiyor, hatta sıkıntıya sokuyor gibi görünüyor (The narrator, although financially comfortable, seems to be dissatisfied and even suffocated by their possessions).




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