Bob Marley - Could You Be Loved Şarkı Sözleri
Could you be loved then be loved?
Could you be loved then be loved?
Don't let them fool ya
Or even try to school ya, oh no
We've got a mind of our own
So go to hell if what you thinkin' is not right
Love would never leave us alone
Ah in the darkness, there must come out to light
Could you be loved then be loved?
Now could you be loved, woah yeah, then be loved?
Love your brother, man! (Could you be, could you be loved?)
(Could you be, could you be loved?)
(Could you be, could you be, could you be loved?)
(Could you be, could you be loved?)
Don't let them change ya, oh
Or even rearrange ya
Oh no
We've got the life to live
(Ooh, ooh, ooh)
They say only, only
Only the fittest of the fittest shall survive
Stay alive, eh
Could you be loved then be loved?
Now could you be loved, woah yeah, and be loved?
Oh yeah
Girl (No matter how you treat him, the man will never be satisfied)
Say something (Could you be, could you be, could you be loved?)
(Could you be, could you be loved?)
Say something, say something (Could you be, could you be, could you be loved?)
Say something (Could you be, could you be loved?)
Say something, say something (Say something)
Say something, say something (Could you be loved?) say something
Say something, (Reggae, reggae)
Say something, (Rock on, rock on)
Say something, (Reggae, reggae)
Say something, (Rock on, rock on)
Say something (Could you be loved?)
Say something, (Could you be loved?)
Say something, (Come on!)
Say something (Could you be, could you be, could you be loved?)
Say something (Could you be, could you be loved?)
Say something (Could you be, could you be, could you be loved?)
Say something (Could you be, could you be loved?)
Şarkı Analizi:
Bu şarkı, sevginin gücüne ve insanların kendi doğrularını bulmalarına vurgu yapmaktadır. Şarkıda, başkalarının seni değiştirmeye veya sana yanlış şeyleri öğretmeye çalışmasına izin vermemen gerektiği belirtilmektedir. Sevginin bizi yalnız bırakmayacağı ve karanlıkta bile ışığın ortaya çıkacağına inanılmaktadır. Kardeşini sevmenin önemi de vurgulanmaktadır.
Şarkıda geçen motifler arasında sevgi, özgürlük, bağımsızlık ve dayanıklılık yer almaktadır.
Şarkının genel mesajı, insanların kendi doğrularını bulmaları ve sevgi ile hareket etmeleri gerektiği yönündedir. Başkalarının sizi değiştirmesine izin vermemeniz ve karanlıkta bile umutlu olmanız gerektiği belirtilmektedir.
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